Amla Fruit Health Benefits

There are many uses of amla fruit in cooking and baking, and it has so many health benefits, including prevention health problems among many others.

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Amla fruit, also called Indian Gooseberry, comes from a fruit tree native to Asia. Amla has a slightly bitter and sour taste but is very high in vitamin C and antioxidants fighting disease and keeping you healthy. There are many uses of amla fruit in cooking and baking, despite the taste of the raw fruit, allowing you to maximize all of the nutrients this small orange fruit has to offer. Amla fruit health benefits include prevention health problems like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, among many other benefits. Let’s take a closer look at amla fruit, an underrated nutritional powerhouse.

Amla Fruit Health Benefits

Amla fruit is high in antioxidants [1, 2]

Antioxidants are necessary for reducing free oxygen radicals that can accumulate in your body as you metabolize the food you eat, causing diseases. A study performed in mice showed antioxidants in amla fruit reduced oxidative stress, which researchers hope could reduce cognitive decline due to oxidative stress in the brain [3].

In a recent clinical study, participants consuming amla fruit have lower oxidative stress because of reduced free oxygen radicals [4]. This can prevent diseases like cardiovascular disease and cancer, keeping you healthy and strong [5].

Amla fruit can reduce your cancer risk

Cancer can develop for many reasons, and one of these is oxidative stress from those free radicals building up. Free radicals can mutate DNA, causing cancer. Amla fruit has a high level of free radical scavenging antioxidants that can stop these mutations from happening and turn those free radicals into harmless compounds your body can tolerate [6, 7].

Amla fruit can reduce high cholesterol

There are now over 102 million adults in the US with high cholesterol, a condition that can cause blood, cardiovascular, and organ problems [8]. In a clinical trial, participants who ate amla fruit had improved blood fluidity and lower cholesterol levels than those who did not [9].

A recent clinical study showed this reduction in cholesterol from amla consumption could reduce diabetic dyslipidemia (a condition of high cholesterol linked closely with diabetes) [10, 11]. This translates to a healthier cardiovascular system and a healthier you.

Also avocado has beneficial effects on cholesterol and blood pressure. Check “Is Avocado Oil Good for Weight Loss?”

Amla might reduce symptoms and severity of age-related macular degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) is the natural reduction in our ability to see that comes with age. Amla fruit might be your key to reducing this visual decline, though it’s currently unknown why this is [12].

Amla seems to contain some cytoprotective benefits and can reduce oxidative, inflammatory, and age-related conditions in the eye that can cause this decline to occur [12].

Amla fruit can improve skin health

Healthy skin is important not only for looks but also forms primary barriers against pathogens and germs. In a clinical study, healthy women drank amla fruit extract daily for 12 weeks and found their skin was healthier [13].

Compared to the group who did not receive amla extract in their drinks, the amla drinkers had thicker skin with fewer wrinkles at the end of the study [13]. Amla is considered an anti-wrinkle agent in cosmetics and has been used as an “anti-aging” supplement in some products.

Amla fruit can reduce your risk of developing diabetes

We’ve known for a long time that the development of diabetes is heavily influenced by diet and age. As we get older, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases, partially due to oxidative stress, which increases naturally with age. Amla fruits’ free oxygen radical scavenging abilities means it may lower your risk of developing this lifelong condition later in life [14].

Uses of Amla Fruit

Amla fruit has been processed into several different products like ice cream. Read “Is Ice-Cream Bad for You?” and “Is Sugar-Free Ice Cream Healthy?”

Because it has a naturally bitter flavor, it does require some processing to make it edible. Using amla pulp, candy and other food products can be flavored with amla and retain some of its health benefits while making it tasty to eat [15].

Pan bread, a staple in many countries, can also be flavored with amla fruit powder. Oven-dried amla fruit powder retains high levels of ascorbic acid and antioxidants, which adds nutritional benefits to this food when added [16].

Ascorbic acid is also known as vitamin C and is an essential nutrient that can prevent oxidative diseases, cardiovascular disease, and cancer [17, 18].

In Conclusion, Amla Fruit Health Benefits

Now you know all of the wonderful benefits amla fruit can hold. The phenomenal antioxidant content of this fruit means you can reduce your risk of many diseases that are becoming increasingly prevalent in our society, including cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

By adding this bitter fruit to your bread, candies, and other food products, you can enjoy amla as a delicious part of your daily diet.

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